Connecting with State Action Networks on Climate Advocacy
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM ET (Please note the Time Zone!)
Hosted by Rachel Myslivy
UU State Action Networks do powerful justice work across the country. How can your congregation engage with your State Action Network on climate justice advocacy and actions? Join Deb Cruz and Rev. Lisa Sampson Garcia to learn more! — Join the Green Sanctuary Team meetings for shared learning and mutual support with other UUs working on congregational transformation through climate justice on the third Wednesday of the month at 8PM ET. Each meeting includes a short presentation on a climate justice topic, followed by open discussion on pressing needs.
Event by Side with Love
A critical part of climate action is advocating for policies that reduce emissions at the local, state, and national levels. But how do we start?
UU State Action Networks do powerful justice work across the country, and they offer timely information on actions affecting your community, including:
* Resources and research on justice issues.
* A community of like-minded folks you can activate for specific events.
* Support and guidance for getting your congregation involved in justice work at the local level.
* Justice-oriented worship services to inspire and inform your congregation.
* Professional development and networking opportunities.
* A community of like-minded folks you can activate for specific events.
* Support and guidance for getting your congregation involved in justice work at the local level.
* Justice-oriented worship services to inspire and inform your congregation.
* Professional development and networking opportunities.
Join the next Green Sanctuary 2030 meeting on March 15th to learn from Deb Cruz from JUUstice Washington and Rev. Lisa Sampson-Garcia from UU Justice Ministry of North Carolina about how your congregation can engage with State Action Networks on climate justice advocacy and actions. RSVP at
State Action Networks are all connected to a larger body, the Coalition of Unitarian Universalist State Action Networks (CUUSAN CUUSAN is an association of Unitarian Universalist state witness, advocacy, and action organizations from Florida to Washington and Maine to California that are working to give life the shape of justice. If you’re interested in getting involved with legislative advocacy and justice work that impacts your local community, find the SAN nearest you or consider starting your own