Global Zero

Larry Bradshaw

In December 2008 in Paris—in response to the growing threats of proliferation and nuclear terrorism—100 leaders from around the world launched Global Zero. They announced a plan for the phased, verified elimination of nuclear weapons, starting with deep reductions in the U.S. and Russian arsenals, to be followed by multilateral negotiations among all nuclear powers for an agreement to eliminate …

St. Pete for Peace

Larry Bradshaw

St Pete for Peace, a non-partisan anti-war group founded in January 2003, brings awareness to the atrocities our government is committing in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, and Iraq. We support the people of Latin America as they fight for equality and basic human rights. We say “No” to foreclosures and the government sponsored bailouts of Wall Street and the U.S. banking …

Central Florida Veterans for Peace

Larry Bradshaw

Veterans For Peace, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational and humanitarian organization dedicated to the abolishment of war. Statement of Purpose We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace. To this end we will work, with others * To increase public awareness of the costs of war * To …

Food Not Bombs Melbourne

Larry Bradshaw

Food Not Bombs is an open activists collective, sharing potluck vegetarian food with our community. We protest war and poverty throughout the world. Food Not Bombs is organizing for an end to the occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.

Eyes Wide Open

Larry Bradshaw

The American Friends Service Committee’s widely acclaimed war casualties exhibition illustrating the human cost of the Iraq war.

Deparatment of Peace Campaign

Larry Bradshaw

Nonpartisan citizen action advocating for legislation that supports a culture of peace. We work to foster positive, proactive change toward the creation of a more nonviolent and peaceful world.