The Supreme Court of the United States is more skewed to the right at the present time than it has been for over a generation. Hard and partisan bending of Senate rules as well as the timely retirement of an octogenarian judge has allowed the impeached former president to place three nominees on SCOTUS and 230 nominees on other federal …
The premier environmental activist organization.
Surfrider Foundation
The Surfrider Foundation is a grassroots, non-profit, environmental organization that works to protect our oceans, waves, and beaches.
Brevard BioDiesel
Promoting the availability and use of clean-burning, renewable biodiesel fuel as a replacement for petroleum by raising public awareness of its environmental, economic, and national security benefits.
Pelican Island Audubon
To preserve and protect the animals, plants and natural communities in Indian River County through advocacy, education and public awareness” is the stated mission of the Pelican Island Audubon Society.
Marine Resources Council
For over 20 years, the Marine Resources Council (MRC) has focused on major issues involving the Indian River Lagoon including: flow from land drainage and its negative impact on estuarine productivity; loss of seagrasses and mangroves; coordinating local, state, or federal programs for the lagoon; and the need for public education to incorporate science into decision-making. Today, plans for use …
Sea Turtle Preservation Society
The Sea Turtle Preservation Society (STPS) is a not-for-profit organization. STPS relies on the donations from the public, its membership, and the efforts of its dedicated volunteers. Our active volunteers are permitted by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Bureau of Imperiled Species, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to work with endangered and threatened sea turtles. STPS is …
Space Coast Audubon Society
The Space Coast Audubon Society was formed in the mid-1950s. Over the years this local chapter of both the Florida and National Audubon Societies has grown to include over 1,100 families and individuals. It is now Brevard County’s largest all-volunteer environmental organization.
FL Native Plant Society
Promoting and educating people in the use of native plants to enhance the environment and for ease of upkeep. Speakers at monthly meetings come to educate and amuse. We take field trips to get introduced to new areas. A small nursery is maintained to propagate and grow native plants. We hold periodic public sales for these plants. Join us to …