APRIL 1, 2021 / 6:30 PM
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89091950550
with Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi and Dr. Duane De Freese
Our planet is now in the midst of “The 6th Great Extinction” event in the history of life on Earth. A million species are threatened with annihilation. This is the first global extinction event that humans have caused – and humans have witnessed from space, as well.
For decades, scientists, astronauts and cosmonauts have witnessed global deforestation, and the dramatic impacts of fires and industrial air and water pollution. Nearly every human that has ever seen our ‘Blue Planet’ from orbit or from the Moon reports having a very moving revelation. They experience the epiphany that Earth is an incredibly beautiful, and fragile world, floating in the vacuum of space.
It seems that one of the best ways to appreciate our Earth is to leave it. Many spacefarers emotionally describe transformation from “steely-eyed missilemen”, scientists and engineers to dedicated environmental advocates.They viscerally realize that this planet is our only home, and we must treat it as if our lives depend on it – because they do. Wouldn’t it be nice to get the perspective of a scientist who has studied our universe, and used Earth observing satellites to monitor our home planet as well, and ask him about that experience?
We’re thrilled to have as our guest, astrophysicist, cosmologist, educator and author, Hakeem Oluseyi, PhD. a Distinguished Research Professor at Florida Tech.
He has also served as Space Sciences Education Lead at NASA’s Mission Science Directorate at NASA Headquarters. A powerful, inspirational speaker,you may have seen him on T.V., or read his books.
Dr. Oluseyi has worked with Earth observation satellites to see our planet in intricate detail from a perspective that few of us appreciate. Our powerful constellation of orbiting Earth Science tools has been monitoring and recording human impact on our planet for generations. He will tell us what he’s seen and why it’s important that we all see what’s happening for ourselves.
Another way to deeply understand our environment is to explore it. Duane De Freese, PhD. has walked, boated, swum, and surfed all over the Space Coast — and around the world — for decades. As the Executive Director of the IRL Coalition, which is a part of the National Estuary Program, he has a deep understanding of the impact humans have had on our planet. He provides “Ground Truth” to understand the environmental impacts of climate change on our coastline and the tragic degradation of our precious Indian River Lagoon.
As much as anyone that you will ever meet, Dr. De Freese has “walked the
walk” and can tell you what’s happening across Brevard County from an up close
and personal perspective. Beyond what’s visible from above, he knows what stories
that dolphins, manatees, and oysters could tell, if only they could talk. These men
bring uniquely different perspectives to the changes that are unfolding all around us on Planet Earth. At Earth Day 2021, it’s time that you pause to hear what they have to say about the importance of saving our planet and our own backyard.
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