
Mar 04 2021


6:30 pm


Covid Coverup?

A shot of truth.

Facts and truth are essential during a global pandemic. We used to expect that our elected leaders and medical community would tell us the truth about infections, available treatments, and how we can keep our families safe. After four years of intense lying from the Trump Administration, that notion seems quaint.

Over the past year, Americans learned that our previous president was intentionally lying to us about the Coronavirus pandemic, and his administration was providing misinformation and disinformation for political purposes. We heard recordings of Trump admitting as much to Bob Woodward. Scientists and medical professionals were intimidated and their views suppressed. In Florida, we also learned that this was happening at a statewide level, as our governor apparently tried to emulate the Oval Office’s strong-arm tactics, as reported by several media outlets.

As a result, many thousands of people have died from COVID-19 that did not have to. It’s an outrageous tragedy of historic proportions that few seem willing to discuss.  Yet some have come forward with the truth. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx have begun to expose what was happening at the Trump White House, and they have been corroborated by others.

Here in Florida, a brave scientist, Data Specialist Rebekah Jones, refused to distort the numbers as the governor wished. Consequently, she was fired, and has been threatened, and harassed as a result. She set up the Florida COVID Action website to provide more complete, more honest information for Floridians seeking the truth about COVID-19 cases and deaths in our communities.

We’ve seen the video of police aggressively searching Rebekah’s home with guns drawn – threatening her husband and children! They confiscated her computer and equipment, accusing her of reaching out to other Florida government employees to “blow the whistle” with her. Rebekah felt so threatened by our governor that she and her family very publicly relocated to the Washington, D.C. area for their own safety. She was subsequently arrested and released.

Our Speakers

On March 4th at 6:30 p.m., we will get to hear directly (via the Zoom app.) from Rebekah Jones as she tells her story. We will also hear from Florida Today investigative reporter Alessandro Sassoon, who originally broke the disturbing story of Rebekah’s plight, before anyone else had a clue. Our panel will be rounded out by our friend and respected virologist, Dr. Dena Grayson, who is not only an expert on the Coronavirus, but also on Florida and Washington politics. You may recall that Dr. Grayson was featured on an SCPA panel one year ago — that accurately foretold the miserable year that we have just endured. Finally, you can hear the truth about the pandemic disaster from people that will tell you the truth. You deserve a vaccine and a shot of truth!




