¶Ρeriodically a good organization will pause and evaluate where it is and where it is going. SCPA is planning such a strategic review to determine if we are meeting our objectives and goals, reaching our intended audience and fulfilling a useful purpose to our community, especially in view of changing times such as we are now experiencing. We invite YOU to participate in this important meeting.
Join us on Thursday, August 5th at 6:30pm for a Zoom meeting as we address these questions and more. We encourage productive input from members and non-members alike. Can you propose specific changes that will help us better meet our goals? How would you suggest we do a better job? What programs have you liked best? What role does membership play? How can we enhance the value of the programs we prepare for our public?
Please understand that we have a limited time to examine these issues and ask that your comments, questions and suggestions be offered in a beneficial, constructive and concise manner.
We thank you for your consideration as we grapple with these issues and strive to be the best that we can be. We look forward to YOUR input at our August 5th Zoom meeting. Zoom ID: 890 9195 0550.
Zoom and FB Live
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89091950550 ID: 89091950550
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q